My Grandmother grew up in Mexico (she’s not Mexican though) and she has some great recipes. Like these beans.
This is a family favorite and one day out of every reunion revolves around this meal! I know every one has their own way of making beans. This is ours:
Tamale’s!!! One of my favorite foods, and I finally learned how to make them from scratch!!! Yippee! My cousin married this amazing gal whose mother is Mexican and she makes amazing tamales.
She taught my brother in law (who loves to cook and is amazing!) and he taught me! This weekend I made another batch myself! SOOOOO good!
Grandma's pinto beans
- 4 C dry pinto beans
- 16 C water
- 1 salt pork or fatback, depending on where you live, NOT sliced
- 6-8 Onions peeled
- salt
- shredded cheddar topping
- sliced jalapenos topping
- The measurements are 1 part beans to 4 parts water. you can go smaller or larger, whichever you want
- place the water, beans, salt pork and whole onions in a large pot
- Bring it to a boil and let it simmer all day, stirring every so often so they don't burn to the bottom.
- About an hour or two before we're ready to eat I throw in another onion or 2 (peeled and cut in half) so there are some large onion chunks in the end.
- Then take out the fatback and serve.
- Serve the beans with sliced Jalapenos and shredded cheddar cheese
Ashlee, I made these beans tonight and they were awesome! A taste of childhood for me! I KNOW I have had them at family gatherings. I’m assuming that it it’s your grandma’s recipe she probably got it from her mom…our great grandma? Happy to have the tradition alive!
I’m sure it’s from when they all lived in Mexico! So Great G’ma Haynie surely made them all the time! We love love LOVE these, and have them at every Houghtaling reunion along with when any of us visit and get together! I know most people soak their beans, or use a crock pot, but this is the way I know how to do it and I’m nervous to mess with perfection! In our family we all fight over who get’s G’ma Houghtaling’s BEAN pot when she passes it on!
Connie Haynie
Ashlee, I tried these beans at Kathy’s house once and she gave me the recipe and I haven’t been able to find it. I change planner’s ha ha. I am excited to try them. I have wanted the recipe for a long time and just never got around to ask Kathy again so thank you. I love your Blog.
Glad I could help! It’s a great recipe! I learned it when I was living with G’ma Houghtaling. I don’t make it as often as I’d like because my kids don’t love it yet! I didn’t as a child either. I’m glad you like the blog!