Free food label amd invitation printables for any Lego Star wars birthday party
While Lego Boy’s Star Wars birthday party was only my 4th highest views post last year it’s the front runner in emails for the year. I get an average of 5 requests a week for the food labels I created for the party.
Because the images are copyrighted to Lego I can’t sell them. And I wasn’t sure about giving them away, not only legally, but also personally. I spent hours and hours and HOURS on these labels and I’m a bit attached to them.
The links to the printables are all below, They are as is and free so please enjoy, but I will not take any special requests!
All Lego Parties
you are so cool. thank you!!!
your so welcome!
What did you use to color the water bottles gold?
metallic gold spray paint!
I’m doing my son’s 7th birthday party with the Lego Star Wars theme in early October. How can I get your food labels? I’m particularly interested in the “Yoda Soda” and “C3PO H2O” labels. I figure I can make some of my own for the dishes I am making. You are really creative and this site gave me many ideas to work with. Thank you.
the food labels are still on my facebook page, every time I try to take them off people ask for them, so I’ve just left them on! Like my page and then click on the tab, “lego star wars labels”
Carmel Gynell
This is fantastic thanks for sharing !!!
your so welcome!
I am trying to print your food labels from Facebook but it will only let me see six of them, it is not giving me an option to download them for printing. Thank you so much for sharing these printables they are so cute and fun. Thank you, Hollie
what browser are you using? when you click on the “pdf” link it should open up (right in that facebook tab window) the pdf, all the pages, in chrome if you scroll down and hover over the bottom right corner the options to print/save/etc… will pop up. In Firefox you’ll get the save/print options in the top left corner. Once you save you should for sure have all the pages. If not let me know and we’ll keep working on it.
Thank you so much for your foodlabels, my 3 year old just finished 15x H20´s.
YAY! best party ever right? Have fun!
carol ann mitchell
Grandma needs to know how to get directions to make the star wars birthday cake please?
I didn’t create a tutorial for this one, sorry!