Today is my Mom’s birthday. When I was visiting last week I noticed that my sister had given her a family picture with hand prints on the mat. SO cute. So when I got home I thought it would make a great gift, so I totally copied it! I went out and found a frame at DI and repainted it.
It took forever because for some reason, I think it’s the cold weather, the paint was curdling (best way to describe it). I sanded it down between each layer, and ended up painting it 4 times (one red, 3 black). Then I sanded down the edges for a rough look with a bit of the red showing through. It still wasn’t perfect but I was pleased with it in the end.
For the hand prints we tried both paint and a stamp pad out on some scrap paper. We went with the paint in the end. It was a more true black. Although my 2 1/2 year old moved her pinky so it looks like she has 6 fingers! We even got George’s (our pet pig) hoof print on the mat. So now Mom has 2 out of 3 (Chelsea, your turn!). Happy Birthday Mom!
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