Also known as gauntlets or wristlets… These go by many different names. This crochet version uses a rare stitch that is very fun and has a great texture.
Last month I was challenged to create a new pattern for a scarf, finger-less gloves or a pillow using a stitch I had never heard of-
I used two different hook sizes to create a fitted portion and then loose, fluffy portion to these gloves. It’s subtle, but lovely!
I am really REALLY tickled with how they turned out. I wore them all day today and fell more in love with them. I’m more of a green girl, but thought the burnt orange showed the stitches better for pictures as well as it’s a lovely color!
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Crochet Fingerless Gloves
medium weight yarn
hook K
hook I
(ch) chain
(sl st) slip stitch
( chain-single crochet
Insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over hook and draw through a loop (2 loops on hook), yarn over hook and draw through a first loop on hook (2 loops on hook), yarn over hook and draw through 2 loops on hook (1 loop remains on hook)”
starting with K hook
ch 28, join with sl st to first ch
row 1- ch3, *skip 1 ch, in the next ch, ch1*, around, sl st in 2nd chain
row 2- sl st into next ch1 space, ch 3, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat around, sl st in 2nd chain
row 3-5- repeat row 2
switch to I hook
rows 6-12- repeat row 2
row 13- sl st into next ch1 space, ch 3, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat 2 times {9 for right hand}, in the same ch1 space, ch1, * in the next ch1 space, ch1* repeat 2 times, in the same ch1 space, ch1, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat around, sl st in 2nd chain
row 14- sl st into next ch1 space, ch 3, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat 2 times {9 for right hand}, in the same ch1 space, ch1, * in the next ch1 space, ch1* repeat 3 times, in the same ch1 space, ch1, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat around, sl st in 2nd chain
row 15- sl st into next ch1 space, ch 3, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat 2 times {9 for right hand}, in the same ch1 space, ch1, * in the next ch1 space, ch1* repeat 4 times, in the same ch1 space, ch1, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat around, sl st in 2nd chain
row 16- sl st into next ch1 space, ch 3, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat 2 times {9 for right hand}, in the same ch1 space, ch1, * in the next ch1 space, ch1* repeat 5 times, in the same ch1 space, ch1, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat around, sl st in 2nd chain
row 17- sl st into next ch1 space, ch 3, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat 2 times {9 for right hand}, skip five ch2 spaces, * in the next ch1 space, ch1*, repeat around, sl st in 2nd chain
rows 18-19- repeat row 2
switch to K hook
rows 20-22- repeat row 2
row 23- sl st into next ch1 space, ch 2, * in the next ch1 space*, repeat around, sl st in 2nd chain, cut yarn, weave in ends
You don’t actually have to do the left and right thumb holes differently, but I don’t like my seams lines (however well they fit into the pattern) to show if I can help it. The way this pattern is written the seam actually runs diagonal, but I like the extra step of making SURE it’s in the back by taking care where I put the thumb holes!
Very cute project.
Thank you so very much!
This looks great. I’ve wanted some fingerless gloves for a while. Will try to whip these up tonight. Thanks for the tutorial!
How did it go? Easy enough to follow? I admit I crocheted the larger hook loose and the smaller hook tight!
The are so cute!! I love the way they turned out with this stitch!!
Agreed! being constrained to one stitch I wasn’t sure how I’d give it shape and uniqueness, I felt inspired in the end and love how they turned out!
These are really cute. I’m bookmarking this because my girls would each love a pair of these. Not sure if I’m that ambitious but I may give it a try. Thanks!
Go for it! They are SUPER fast to whip up!
Looks awesome – I’ll have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much! They were really fast to throw together and while they are simple I love how they look and feel!
I know that stitch as the extended single crochet. I like it for the pattern and the looser stitch it creates. It isn’t as open as straight double crochet is so it creates a warmer garment.
I like your green gloves better too. Bold colours are pretty but not my personal preference.
It’s so hard to show stitches in a tutorial I think. Maybe if I swapped colors, or got a macro camera? or used a GINORMOUS hook?
I know this stitch as the single crochet foundation stitch….never thought about continuing on with it, but I LOVE IT! Will make single crochet projects go much faster! I make fingerless mitts for the gals I work with as we are located in a cold spot of our office building….this is going to be great fun! Thanks!
I wouldn’t have tried it if it wasn’t for this challenge I doubt I would have, but it was fun to try something new!