Baby Boy is actually already 20 months old, but I totally spaced sharing these pictures! We took them the week before his big 18 month birthday! I sound like a broken record, but I seriously can’t get over how fast the time has gone! If anyone finds a “slow down the growth” machine I’d love it.
Thank you again to my AMAZING photographer – Chelsea Peterson Photography – who also happens to be my lovely baby sister, and an incredible aunt to my kids. Not everyone takes the time to know and love my Aspies, to see the strengths in them, so I appreciate it so much.
I have a thing for babies in suits and bow ties. His suit Jacket is still a little big, but he’s rockin the vest. It’s the same suit/vest that Computer Boy wore for the same sisters wedding 8 years ago (new bow tie from Kelsey Bang). Crazy how time flies!!!
For his 18 month pictures we headed up to the old train station in Ogden! He loves trains, and has a track he plays with almost constantly, but I don’t think he quite got the connection between the little trains he loves and these huge monsters! But as always we still got some great shots!
He’s totally independent! He likes to do everything for himself. Including climbing to get something, feeding himself, and lately he has even taken to trying to change his own diapers. That ones not so fun… He’s incredibly stubborn too, and when he gets mad, he’s MAD (it’s pretty cute)
And while he’s not the best talker (although he does have a lot of words, he just doesn’t always use them) he ALWAYS lets us know what he wants. He loves getting water from the fridge, taking a sip and leaving the cup on the ground for one of us to trip over. Then he really enjoys cleaning up the water and throwing away the towel (sometimes a paper towel, sometimes a real kitchen towel – my collection is dwindling)
He prefers “real” food over baby food, but doesn’t like to be fed. He is still nursing and everytime I try to wean him he goes on a hunger strike and loses weight. I’d love to be done, but willing to keep going a bit longer. He’s sleeping in the boys room now, but still likes to join me in the morning, waking me up with “hey baby” (what I always say to him in the mornings)
He’s a total mimic, he loves to copy what we say and do. He says “I love you” with actions, loves Patty Cake and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. Honking noses and pushing belly buttons is another favorite of his. He love music and loves to dance. He’s just started the “escape” phase and we’re working on teaching the kids to keep every outside door/gate/etc… locked.
And he’s started pouting and/or crying to get his way. I love how totally adorable is is that they try so hard to manipulate at such a young age. He tries to nurse or get something he wants and I say no. Then he crys, puts his hand over his mouth like above, then goes for a hug. He pats me on the back, as if he’s comforting me, leans back for a kiss, then asks again… HA! I will admit it does work some of the time, but not often enough for him.
I just love my little man. I love how great all the other kids are with him. I can’t imagine our lives without him and I’m so glad he’s a part of our lives. I love watching him learn and grow, although I wish it went just a little bit slower. In fact now that he’s older and clearly not a baby anymore I’m thinking about changing his nickname from Baby Boy to Little Man. Thoughts?
Ashlee I just love all the pictures – he is so cute and growing so quickly – such a cute little man!
awww thanks. I can’t believe how stinking big he is! It just goes by so quickly. He’s teething again this week, so kind of being a bit clingy, good thing he’s so darn precious!