A few years ago, actually more than a few before Lego Boy was born so 6 1/2 years ago… ANYWAY years ago we took the older two kids fishing at a trout farm. They loved it! They loved fishing, actually CATCHING a fish, they really REALLY loved watching them gut the fish and they loved cooking the fish when we were done.
Then a few months ago Computer Boy started talking about wanting to go fishing again. I wasn’t sure where it was coming from, it’s not like my husband fishes or we eat a lot of fish. But then he started talking about the time we had gone before, how he remembered it (he was barely 2 at the time) and how he wanted to do it again. I thought about having his G’pa take him, but then realized that he might get upset if it was too different from the last time. SO I set about trying to find a trout farm close by!
Well I found one! It’s up in Ogden, so just over an hour away, but it was so worth it! Not only was it a beautiful location, with multiple ponds, but the kids had a BALL! In fact the fishing was so easy we actually caught the number we planned on catching WAY to fast! They also had fish food for sale and the kids, especially The Destroying Angel, LOVED feeding the fish!
We let each kid catch 2 fish each, we didn’t bother catching any ourselves. The worst part for me was taking the hooks out of their mouths. I actually ended up cutting myself with a hook when I tried to do it! And after we finished catching the fish we dropped them off at the desk and the workers cleaned, gutted and filet them for us! We enjoyed the sunshine, and feeding the fish more while we waited!
While we were fishing they had buckets to keep the fish in. One of the fish we caught was so… excited? That he jumped RIGHT out of the bucket! It freaked me out a bit since he landed on my foot! Gah! Anyway we took them home, cooked them and ATE them! So there silly fish scaring me….
What a wonderful time! I think my kids would like the fishing part, but we really wouldn’t do the eating part. 🙂 blech
Lucky for me we all love both! I’m not into EVERY kind of fish, but do enjoy most…